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President of Congress
Dr. Emmanuela Bortoletto Santos dos Reis

Graduated in MEDICINE from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2006), medical residency in the specialty of PEDIATRICS (2008) and medical residency with an area of expertise in PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY (2010) from the Hospital Association for Child Protection Dr. Raul Carneiro (HOSPITAL PEQUENO PRÍNCIPE ). Title in Pediatrics AMB (2008), Title in the areas of nephrology: Pediatric Nephrology by AMB (2012) and Intensive Medicine by AMB (2021). Assistant Pediatric Nephrologist at Santa Casa Misericórdia de Cuiabá/MT (2011). Coordinator of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (2020) and the Pediatric Line at Santa Rosa Hospital (2023). Professor at UNIVAG (2016), preceptor at LANUN – UNIVAG Nephrology League (2021), Supervisor of the Medical Residency Program in Pediatrics (2022). Fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology at Kiel University (2012). Improvement course in pediatric kidney transplantation at Hospital Samaritano/SP (2014). Professional Master's Degree in Sciences applied to Hospital Care at the Julio Muller University Hospital (2021).

Letter from the President

It is with great enthusiasm and honor that we welcome you all to the long-awaited XX Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, which will take place in the warm city of Cuiabá. This event is a crucial moment for the exchange of knowledge, in-depth discussions and fruitful collaborations between the most dedicated and talented professionals in the field.

Throughout the days, we will have the opportunity to explore the latest scientific innovations, share clinical experiences and debate fundamental issues affecting the practice of pediatric nephrology. The comprehensive program includes conferences from renowned international and national experts, cutting-edge research presentations in the form of “Free Theme” and interactive round tables, which are sure to enrich our understanding and enhance our skills.

The innovative Pre-Congress, contemplating the practice of Peritoneal Dialysis in a unique way, promoting quality delivery and safe administration of this therapeutic modality. 

In addition to professional enrichment, this conference also offers a unique chance to establish lasting connections with colleagues across the country. We hope you make the most of this opportunity to strengthen existing bonds and cultivate new friendships within the pediatric nephrology community.

We thank everyone involved in organizing this event and the speakers who will share their knowledge with us. May this congress be a true catalyst for advances in pediatric nephrology and may each of us contribute to a fruitful and meaningful dialogue.

We wish everyone a productive and memorable stay in Cuiabá. May our meeting be marked by learning, exchange of ideas and collective progress towards children's kidney health.

Yours sincerely,

Emmanuela Reis 

President of the Scientific Committee
Dr. Lilian Monteiro Pereira Palma

Graduated in Medicine from the University of São Paulo (1994), medical residency in Pediatrics and Nephrology from the Children's Institute of the University of São Paulo (specialist title in 1999) and PhD in Nephrology (Area: Renal Transplant) from the University of São Paulo (2006). Clinical Coordinator of the Kidney Transplant Team at the Campinas Medical Center. Pediatric Nephrologist at Clínica do Rim from 2012 to 2018, scientific consultant for Thrombotic Microangiopathies (Alexion Pharma) in Latin America. Currently, she is an assistant physician in the Pediatric Nephrology Department at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) where she develops the Genetic Pediatric Nephrology service. Main Area of Study: Thrombotic Microangiopathies and Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Coordinator of the Pediatric Nephrology Department of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology. Associate Editor of the Brazilian Journal ofNephrology. Co-owner of LUME Nephrology and Dialysis in Campinas.

scientific commission

Brazilian Society of Pediatrics

Brazilian Society of Nephrology

XX Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology

Cuiabá, MT

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