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Luciana Katiucia De Andrade Herera Ferreira


Curitiba - PR

Mini CV 

Physiotherapist – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – 2004.

Professional specialization in Urogynecological Physiotherapy – Brazilian College of Systemic Studies – 2006.

Physiotherapist at ClinicaNefrokids – since 2009.

Professor of Postgraduate and Extension Courses at Faculdade Inspirar in the subject of Voiding and Coloproctological Disorders in Children.

Professor of Theoretical-Practical Training Courses on Lower Urinary Tract Disorders in Children at ClinicaNefrokids.

Professor of the International Diploma in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and the Extension Course in DysfuncionesMiccionales y Coloproctologicas em La Infancia, at Corposalud Integral – Bogotá – Colombia.

Master's student in the Physiology Sector at the Federal University of Paraná.

Your Schedule

Day 01 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 01:30pm

Dia 01 - Local Hotel Gran Odara - Horário 04:45pm

Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 10:40

Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 11:50

Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 11:50

Pre-Congress “Physiotherapy in functional constipation”.

Pre-Congress “Management of the neurogenic intestine”.

Symposium “On biofeedback”.

Symposium “Can we improve bladder function by managing neurogenic bowel? ”.

“Can we improve bladder function by managing neurogenic bowel? ”.

XX Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology

Cuiabá, MT

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