Luciana Katiucia De Andrade Herera Ferreira
Curitiba - PR
Mini CV
Physiotherapist – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – 2004.
Professional specialization in Urogynecological Physiotherapy – Brazilian College of Systemic Studies – 2006.
Physiotherapist at ClinicaNefrokids – since 2009.
Professor of Postgraduate and Extension Courses at Faculdade Inspirar in the subject of Voiding and Coloproctological Disorders in Children.
Professor of Theoretical-Practical Training Courses on Lower Urinary Tract Disorders in Children at ClinicaNefrokids.
Professor of the International Diploma in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and the Extension Course in DysfuncionesMiccionales y Coloproctologicas em La Infancia, at Corposalud Integral – Bogotá – Colombia.
Master's student in the Physiology Sector at the Federal University of Paraná.
Your Schedule
Day 01 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 01:30pm
Dia 01 - Local Hotel Gran Odara - Horário 04:45pm
Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 10:40
Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 11:50
Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Time 11:50
Pre-Congress “Physiotherapy in functional constipation”.
Pre-Congress “Management of the neurogenic intestine”.
Symposium “On biofeedback”.
Symposium “Can we improve bladder function by managing neurogenic bowel? ”.
“Can we improve bladder function by managing neurogenic bowel? ”.