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Dr. Vandrea Carla de Souza

Pediatric Nephrology

Caxias do Sul - RS

Mini CV 

Master in Pharmacology from Université Lyon 1 - France
PhD in Child and Adolescent Health from UFRGS
Adjunct professor of Pediatrics and Nephrology and member of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences at the University of Caxias do Sul
Member of the Scientific Department of Nephrology at SBP
pediatric nephrologist

Your Schedule

Day 02 - Room 1 - Time 10:00

Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Room 2 - Time 11am

Day 02 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Room 1 - Time 4pm

Mini-conference lasting 20 minutes on “Nutritional Influence on Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury”.

Mini-conference lasting 20 minutes on “Follow-up of Pre-Term Newborns with Kidney Injury”.

“Session: BONE MINERAL DISEASE” Moderator.

XX Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology

Cuiabá, MT

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